"Hard is the brick we walk on"

I debated whether to be this open and honest, so I hope you find this encouraging and refreshing. October was challenging, it confirmed that doing ministry is not something that comes natural or easy but something that requires patience, flexibility, trust in the Lord, perseverance, humility among many other things. Maybe you can relate on this, but sometimes when things are challenging we get bogged down  by the mundane things and it can be hard for us to trust and praise God but like the song above says, "though the seasons change [His] love remains...[he's] been faithful to plant the seeds and [He] will be faithful to always send [His] rain" its a matter of trust and surrender, reminds me of several stories in the Bible like Hannah in 1 Samuel, David in Psalm 13 and Martha and Mary in Luke 10.  I remember texting Ronnie (the man that started FOCUS and weekly leads a class of apprentices) letting him know his class had ministered to me greatly that day after having a hard week, he responded, "That is very encouraging to know. Sorry your week has been hard, but Hard is just the brick we walk on. Love you sweet girl." Ronnie's words were so pivotal to me in that moment, he didn't invalidate the fact I had a hard week but he confirmed the reality and the comforting thing about what he said was "...we walk on" its not me alone, its me and my Collin team, its me and my faithful God walking through this brick and that is worth praising!

Last month I requested for you guys to join me in prayer as the apprentices and I prepared for our first sermon. I had nothing to worry about. I received great constructive feedback as well as sweet encouragements from my peers. I preached over Psalm 13 which ministered to me then and continues to do so!
Not the most flattering haha but a good glimpse of such a memorable day
I've been meeting monthly with Shannon, one of our Corefas (student leader) at our Spring Creek Campus. I've found Shannon to be so encouraging in my ministry in how purposeful she's been in our time together by coming with questions and thoughts of how to be a better disciple
Shannon beating me at Mancala
At the beginning of the year Emily and I met weekly for an hour to plan for core (our weekly small group) eventually this time seemed very transactional and rather contrary of relational and purposeful so we switched things up. Today Emily and I meet every Monday for 2-2 1/2 refreshing hours! I look forward to our time together and am constantly encouraged by Emily's interest in meeting the needs of our girls, constantly seeking for ways to pray for them and even myself. Through her I've learned not to take myself so serious and rather embrace being a fool for the Lord.
Here's Emily learning about authentic Mexican tacos with real salsa!
I got a neat opportunity to speak at the Career Conversations with First Generation Professionals at Texas Woman's University along with other TWU alumni and three friends I met at TWU through FOCUS. I got to share and have neat conversations with students about my personal experience as a DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) First Generation student and professional through my experience at Michaels and my current role as a Campus Pastor.
L to R: Juan, Andrea (friend through Focus), Vianet (Career Consultant and facilitator of this event/friend through Focus), Albert (friend through Focus), Vikter.
Weekly I meet with Amy, one of our returners at Collin, we spend 1/2 our time talking about our week and the other 1/2 reading a book in the Old Testament, currently we are going over Ecclesiastes! Amy has been encouraging in her faithfulness with our time together, she reminds me of the beginning of my walk with Christ as I faced challenges that my family and culture brought. 
Amy and I eating some legit Mexican paletas or in english terms ice pops!
Our Leadership Conference brought awareness of the value in innovation and creativity as we do  ministry with people from different backgrounds and different generations! It was quite a successful conference which brought a start of great conversations among our students and church members!
Rough angle but this is a combination of students and people from all of our churches at the Leadership Conference

Our Spring Creek Collin FOCUS campus hosted our first Trick or Creek event that invited our student body to reach out to students through free hot dogs, conversations and games.

Here we are preparing hot dogs for that rush hour as students start coming out of class

Here is a fun one of the apprentices at Collin and I in our Halloween costumes at our Thursday Night Fellowship! Enjoy,
L to R: Jacy (80's gymnast), Me (80's gymnast), Mark (Gandalf from Lord of the Rings) and Austin (Froddo from Lord of the Rings)


I need your help! On December 3rd FOCUS will host a fundraiser called "Keep FOCUS Growing" through Facebook where all pledges (proceeds) will go to everything outside of staff salaries and keeps us poised for new opportunities. A team of generous donors has agreed to match up to $50,000 of the total contributions. I know some of you are already giving at your max-capacity and that is amazing! I invite you and anyone that you can think of who would be excited to give $50, $100, any spare to impact a ministry like ours!
  • Pray for our staff and myself as we continue to fundraise and meet our goals
  • Pray for our students as they approach midterms and final projects before the holidays
  • Praise God for allowing our 12 apprentices to finish going through the Old Testament it was an intense season managing readings and our time with students but we learned so much!
Thank you for being such a great support prayerfully and financially, I enjoy my job quite a lot despite the challenges! If you ever have a thought or concern or you want to grab coffee don't hesitate to reach out!

My contact information:
Email: adriana.gonzalez@anyfocus.org
Phone/Text: 832-729-3162


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