
Hey you! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with lots of food and maybe you are more cool than I am and went Black Friday shopping! Well let's jump on that update from last month,

Emily (my cofa) and I realized the girls in our core seemed to be missing out on friendships outside of core so we planned something special! With two months in advance we picked a day with our girls to have a nice dinner or as the kids say "bougie"(slang word for high class) dinner! Unfortunately not everyone was able to make it but four of the faithful ones that show up to core came and man did we have a blast!
Top L to R: Olivia, Sydney, Jocelyn
Bottom L to R: Emily, my self, Elaine
There is no sweeter thing than to see a bunch of girls that are so different from each other be brought together by one thing in common, their love for the Lord and through that the love for His people. Here are the girls I've been doing the Focus on Jesus study, loving on each other,
L to R: Sydney, Elaine, Olivia
Every week we have a different topic to talk about based on the needs of our core. Our time management topic led us to our following topic, the importance of rest. Emily and I decided to take advantage of the topic, make pancakes and encouraged our core to come in their PJ's -success!
Top L to R: Olivia, Sydney, Emily, Myself, Addie
Bottom L to R: Jocelyn, Allison, Elaine
I got to see my sweet family for Thanksgiving, eat lots of great food and for the first time in 3 years I got to be present to celebrate my mom's birthday! Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures but my brother shared this picture. Many of you know that my parents are here undocumented, fortunately they submitted paper work for citizenship/legal process in 1998. After 21 years of waiting, this past Saturday my parents received a letter from Homeland Security with a temporary Employment Authorization meanwhile they work on their case for residency. Once again I experience God's sweet faithfulness.
L to R: Dad hugging my mom as they read the letter they got in the mail
Another praise! As I mentioned in my previous blog we had our KFG fundraiser December 3rd and friends it was a success!!!!!! We surpassed our $36K goal and on behalf of all of our staff I want to thank you guys for donating and praying through this process!

  • Next week the apprentices and I will share our first sermon in front of staff. Please join me in praying for the apprentices as we prepare for our sermons
  • Pray for our students as they wrap up finals and go off to their Christmas break. Ask that all anxiety and fear that arrises is casted away and replaced by fear. Ask that these students find ways to stay fueled through the Lord
  • Pray for our Winter Camp that students are able to encounter God and sweet relationships 
  • Pray for our Wylie North East Church as we plant a new church in the Plano area, ask that members of our church would step up to serve 

  • Thank you guys for being great fans of the work being done here at our Collin campuses! I hope you guys have a wonderful time these holidays and are able to enjoy the small amount of time off with loved ones. As always let me know how I can be praying for you!


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