God Is Shinning Big On Us

Can you believe it's been over a month? Me either. It's crazy how much the Lord has done in our ministry ever since campuses were closed. I understand these circumstances are at times overwhelming. There are so many changes and so many unknowns when it comes to jobs, finances, health, and the list goes on but something that has remained constant and true is God and his provision. I pray you find this update encouraging wherever you are.

First of all, thank you for your faithful partnership. "Thank you" can sometimes feel like two words that are no longer genuine or rather have any true significance. Especially when so many use it so loosely and perhaps there is not much that I can say or do to fix that. But, you chose to see past a monthly donation, you chose to believe in what God is doing at our campuses and for that I am thankful and I praise God. I've prayed for you and your families during this time, asking the Lord to give you clarity and exchange that uncertainty with deeper trust and reliance in Him as our world continues to navigate  COVID-19. Don't be surprise if you get a call from me. Feel free to reach out, call me, text me, mail me a letter, let me know if there is any specific way I could be helping you or praying for you. My number is 832-729-3162, adriana.gonzalez@anyfocus.org, 916 Wayside Way Richardson TX 75080.

P.S. I am not sure that I've shared this with many of you but I have a small earring business. It started as a way to support me but its become quite the hobby! If you are looking for a small gift for someone or yourself scan the QR code below and it should take you straight to it!

Onto some huge praises:
  • Every semester we have our Pizza Theology, think of a conference, where we discuss and explore dense topics with our students. Usually we bring a special speaker but due to our circumstances we had 3 of our directors lead this years Pizza Theology over Heaven, Hell and Everything in between. Praise God for technology! We streamed this years Pizza Theology through Twitch at, https://www.twitch.tv/utdfocus/videos . I would encourage you to watch it with your friends and family there was so much great content that I am still processing and revisiting with some of the girls in my small group.
    My Cofa and her sister tuning in to our first Pizza Theology
  • I meet with Elaine to study the Bible weekly but due to quarantine her and I have gotten more time together. My goal for Elaine this year has been for her to learn how to trust the Lord blindly and it has not been easy. Just like you and I, she's had as much of a choice to choose not to trust the Lord and be transformed by him. During this quarantine Elaine has chosen God over any worldly temptation, she shared with me 3 weeks ago that she wants to get baptized after this pandemic. She's not perfect, she is rather very far from perfect but she is learning to make Lord over her life through her consistency, inquisitiveness, humbleness, willingness to grow and repent from her selfish ways and that is so worth praising. She has been such an encouragement in my ministry. Below video is Elaine sharing with our Collin team ways she is reaching out to our community during this quarantine.
  • It is so easy to just write about how the Lord is transforming our ministry and the individual lives of our students but incase it wasn't clear He is also transforming so much of my heart. Although prior to the apprenticeship I was at the beginning of a pretty successful and well off career path there were so many areas in my walk with God that were far from successful and well off. I was too self focus, ambitious, prideful, anxious, subjective which are things that I still face and struggle with and probably will for the rest of my life but praise God I get to work with a team of coworkers and friends that point those things out and help me navigate my crap as I try to look more like Jesus because I could not do it by myself. Reminds me of the parable of the forgiving father in Luke 15 because I was also once lost but now I am found.
That was March and incase it wasn't obvious, even during quarantine God is still in full control. Please pray for our students, it can be so tempting to end by doing the bare minimum but ask that they finish well. Pray for our team as we try to navigate SICM, Summer Focus and think of how to serve our students as things progress. Pray for my supervisor/friend/coworker Cody as he transitions out of working on our staff into the work-field. Pray for my fellow apprentice/friend Josh as he also transitions into the work field. Pray for my coworkers/friend Abbie as she transitions out of working on staff and on to Grad school. Pray for my friend/coworker Dani she just had her first sweet little girl.

Thank you!!!!


Your friend Adriana!


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