Wrapping up the semester!

This team. Last leader meeting of the year -wild.

Two years ago, my friend Austin (former pastor) and I were placed at Collin's Frisco campus along with three students who followed along, Sophie, Jeremy, and Tom. All of us were leading in some way for the first time, which felt exciting, intimidating, lonely, and all sorts of mixed emotions. Per usual, the Lord paved the way, leading us to the students that needed to be reached. At the end of that first year, I remember feeling doubtful and lonely at the thought of leading Frisco without my peer, Austin, as he transitioned out of campus ministry. 

Currently, Kevin (our apprentice, who is joining our team for five years) and I are in the process of wrapping up the school year -one of my favorite, yet hardest, years. One of my favorites because I've watched the Lord take our students' hard and damaged hearts and transform them into free, tender, loving, and faithful hearts. Not just that, but the Lord has used this year to graciously remind me that I serve a faithful God who provides. Selfishly, it's been one of the hardest years because those students who I've grown to love deeply are now transferring to 4-year universities. Maybe this is more of a bittersweet feeling? Hard, but exciting to know that they will go love other students from a better place than from when I first met them.

These are some of the girls I get weekly time with who have made ministry at Frisco extra special. This Spring Break, Kally (girl on the top left corner) invited Murphie (top right), Madi (bottom right), and I to meet some dear family friends who opened up their home in Colorado and loved on all of us that break!

Tuesday core, this was my first experience leading core at such an odd time like 11:30 am and though there were challenges like making a classroom feel warm and welcoming, it has been such a blessing to our students. Over the school year, some people came in and out and others stuck around which gave flexibility to students who could not commit to a drive outside of campus or who could not commit because of work in the evenings, etc.

Recently, the Lord has used outreach as a reminder that though the semester is ending there are still students who are hungry for God and community. It's been encouraging to see our students show up faithfully, stepping out of their comfort zone, and loving on their campus.

Family Night, man this is always a special night of the school year, where parents get to experience and learn more about our pastors and the DNA of our ministry. We asked two students and two parents to share about how they've seen the Lord use this ministry and hearing that was personally a huge encouragement and reminder of the ways the Lord works beyond human efforts.

Join me in prayer,
  • Let's praise the Lord for the ways he has built a tight knit community at Frisco
  • Students who are sticking around at Frisco -pray they continue to maintain an open heart as the Lord continues to redefine their vision and heart for community
  • Students who are transitioning out of Frisco into universities -pray they can see beyond the foreseen obstacles, pray they are reminded of the ways the Lord has remained faithful before and therefore he will again
  • I am the fundraising coach for 3 of our future upcoming apprentices -pray they too see this time of fundraising as an opportunity to grow a deeper faith and trust in the Lord, that they see this as an opportunity to minister to people outside of campus ministry. Pray I can be a source of encouragement to this team through my words and actions.
Thank you, my friends -thank you for your faithfulness and obedience to the Lord, for sacrificing and adjusting your budget to partner with God in what he is doing at Collin - Frisco!

For the Kingdom!


  1. Dang. What a year it has been and so much good God has been doing at PRC. I am very proud of you friend and Kevin for being faithful workers for God's kingdom as a campus that's pretty far from Plano. It's even amazing to see you received great students like Kally who've caught the vision to make disciples on college campus and devote their college LIFE to that instead the good life. That's unheard of.
    Loved working with you the past year, and I felt peace you were in good hands with new people you were going to ministered and be ministered by. Love ya sis. I enjoy reading your updates.


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